Post by kfh on Nov 23, 2017 1:44:32 GMT -5
Dr Mike read his press clippings and got awfully full of himself. I'm not sure how throwing away your idol and telling everyone they are morally bankrupt was the amazing plan he thought it was. Cole goes out which means everyone has lost at least one player. Things are tightening up a little. Ashley
- lost reward -1 Ben - lost reward -1 - looking to expand and diversify his alliances +1 - bossy -1 - received a vote -1 Chrissy
- won reward +1 Cole
- won reward +1 - voted out -2 Devon- lost reward -1 - making connections +1 Joe- reward +1 - dominated reward challenge +2 - so irritating -1 JP - won reward +1 Lauren
- lost reward -1 - won Immunity +2 Mike- won reward +1 - gave weird speech about the statue of liberty and acted all cocky -1 - used idol uselessly but seemed to think it was some kind of genius plan -1 - received votes -1 Ryan- lost reward -1 - told a lot of people about his idol thinking no one would find out he told other people -1 Current Totals
Joe +10
Mike +9
Ben +8
Cole +7
Jessica +7
JP +6
Desi +5
Roark +5
Ryan +5
Chrissy +5
Devon +4
Ashley +2
Lauren +2
Alan 0
Simone -4
Ali -5 Katrina -5Patrick -9Your Scoreskfh - +18 Jay - +15 Stepan - +15 Synn - +10 Catt +9 Bambi - +3 acfan - +2 Zits - 0 Maxx - -3
Post by synnamin on Nov 24, 2017 4:06:25 GMT -5
~*Losing Ali really screwed me!
Post by acfan on Nov 24, 2017 19:33:11 GMT -5
Oh Mike
Post by kfh on Nov 25, 2017 1:17:45 GMT -5
Just when he was starting to look good.
Post by kfh on Nov 30, 2017 3:00:40 GMT -5
First episode:
Ashley - lost reward -1 - chosen to share reward +1 - won immunity +2
Ben - lost reward -1 - chosen to share reward +1 - found idol +2 - ate instead of competing in immunity challenge -1
Chrissy - lost reward -1 - out smarted -1
Devon - lost reward -1 - chosen to share reward +1 - ate instead of competing in immunity challenge -1 - double agent strategy originator +1
Coco - lost reward -1 - annoying -1 - received votes -1
JP - lost reward -1 - voted out -2
Lauren - won reward +2 - creates final four alliance out of thin air, arranges lunch for them +2 - ate instead of competing in immunity challenge -1
Nuts - lost reward -1 - annoying -1 - received votes -1
Ryan - lost reward -1 - out smarted -1
Current Totals
Ben +9
Joe +7
Mike +6
Cole +7
Jessica +7
Desi +5
Lauren +5
Roark +5
Ashley +4
Devon +4
JP +3
Ryan +3
Chrissy +3
Alan 0
Simone -4
Ali -5
Katrina -5
Patrick -9
Your Scores
kfh - +17
Jay - +15
Stepan - +12
Synn - +5
Catt +6
Bambi - +1
acfan - +1
Zits - 0
Maxx - -3
Still to come: Episode 2!
Post by synnamin on Nov 30, 2017 19:09:27 GMT -5
~*I have not watched the episodes yet but I am glad to see that miss smarty pants Chrissy was outsmarted!!
Post by kfh on Nov 30, 2017 19:48:56 GMT -5
Second episode: Whaaat? We have a new leader! Jay moves into first with Lauren turning on the jets. Meanwhile, Ryan is going through some tough times and taking me in the wrong direction. Maxx feels like he has last place sewn up, but its too earlier for that as there are three players just above him threatening to sink lower :S But, hey lets think positive! Lets see some good game play and reward and immunity wins for the remaining survivors!
Ashley - won reward +1 - strategy +1 - received votes -1
Ben - completely impressive job as double agent +2 - won reward +1
Chrissy - lost reward -1 - mini meltdown -1 - strategy getting nowhere -1 - won immunity +2
Devon - getting cocky -1 - won reward +1 - vote split plan +1
Joe - won reward +1 - voted out -2
Lauren - lost reward +2 - if she had 3 teammates like her she would have won reward +1 - strategy +1
Mike - lost reward -1
Ryan - lost reward -1 - strategy getting nowhere -1 - played idol uselessly -1 - received votes -1
Current Totals
Ben +12
Lauren +9
Cole +7
Jessica +7
Joe +6
Desi +5
Devon +5
Mike +5
Roark +5
Ashley +4
JP +3
Chrissy +2
Alan 0
Ryan -1
Simone -4
Ali -5
Katrina -5
Patrick -9
Your Scores
Jay - +19
kfh - +16
Stepan - +13
Catt +6
Synn - +3
Bambi - 0
acfan - 0
Zits - 0
Maxx - -3
Post by Maxx Fisher on Nov 30, 2017 23:59:32 GMT -5
Do I get a prize for last?
Post by synnamin on Dec 2, 2017 3:03:03 GMT -5
Do I get a prize for last? ~*Duh! You already have the prize.....me!!!
Post by kfh on Dec 7, 2017 4:29:38 GMT -5
I don't think these people are good enough players to be making the moves they're attempting. If you're going to turn on your ally, be a little more quiet about it. Don't give half your idol to some dork who you dont have any sort of trusting relationship with. You cant switch out allies like underwear. Or judging by Mike's filthy shirt, way more often than underwear is switched out. Some questionable game play. Ben and Chrissy and Ryan are the ones to beat, I'd say. Your host is back in the lead here but its still close.
Ashley - chosen to share reward +1 - won immunity +2 - loose lips -1
Ben - made a credible fake idol +1 - played idol absolutely correctly +2 - received (a lot of) votes -1
Chrissy - won reward +2 - sour grapes -1
Devon - loose lips -1
Lauren - found idol +2 - loose lips -1 - threw away idol in the most terrible way imaginable -1 - voted out -2
Mike - got rid of an idol +1 - Seriously though was that a good play? I don't think so. Mike is terrible at this game -1
Ryan - nothing tonight - 0
Current Totals
Ben +14
Cole +7
Lauren +7
Jessica +7
Ashley +6
Joe +6
Desi +5
Mike +5
Roark +5
Devon +4
Chrissy +3
JP +3
Alan 0
Ryan -1
Simone -4
Ali -5
Katrina -5
Patrick -9
Your Scores
kfh - +18
Jay - +17
Stepan - +12
Catt +6
Synn - +4
Bambi - +1
acfan - 0
Zits - 0
Maxx - -3
Post by synnamin on Dec 8, 2017 0:18:12 GMT -5
~*Mike is such an idiot!
Post by kfh on Dec 14, 2017 3:39:15 GMT -5
Um. Yeah. I'm ahead thanks to Ben. But he's kicking ASS! He's playing circles around these idiots. Well, except maybe his social game. He's outworking them like mad but he doesn't seem to be collecting any allies. You would think there would be a limit to how many idols they're going to toss in there. I'm not sure how he makes it to the end. Still, one never knows.
Ashley - voted out -2
Ben - no hard feelings, +1 - found idol +2 - played idol to excellent effect +2
Chrissy - won reward +2 - won immunity +2 - is a miserable smug crybaby -1
Devon - won reward +2
Mike - meh - 0
Ryan - chosen to go on reward +1
Current Totals
Ben +19
Cole +7
Lauren +7
Jessica +7
Chrissy +6
Devon +6
Joe +6
Desi +5
Mike +5
Roark +5
Ashley +4
JP +3
Alan 0
Ryan 0
Simone -4
Ali -5
Katrina -5
Patrick -9
Your Scores
kfh - +24
Jay - +17
Stepan - +14
Synn - +7
Catt +6
Bambi - +1
acfan - 0
Zits - 0
Maxx - -3
Post by synnamin on Dec 15, 2017 1:47:50 GMT -5
~*Have they ever tossed an idol in this late?
Post by kfh on Dec 15, 2017 19:26:51 GMT -5
I feel like Ive heard theres a point where they stop with the idols. Final 6 or 5? or 4? I can't remember exactly.
Post by synnamin on Dec 27, 2017 19:29:42 GMT -5
~*Thank you for the game! I enjoyed plying it a lot! I hope you do it for next season and that I actually have more than one player that I like!!
Post by kfh on Jan 3, 2018 1:55:22 GMT -5
You guys, a little thing called the holiday season took a few rounds out of me so I couldn't quite make my final post. But fear not! I'll be back soon(ish) with the AMAZING, SURPRISING and hopefully NOT ANTICLIMACTIC FINAL RESULTS of the Lazy Survivor Pool!
Post by synnamin on Jan 3, 2018 4:36:45 GMT -5
Post by kfh on Jan 7, 2018 3:33:26 GMT -5
Final Results!
Here it is guys, the moment we've all been waiting for! The extremely (anti)climactic conclusion of the first Lazy Survivor Pool! Wherein the guy running the whole thing...kinda runs away with it. :S Sorry about that. Ben was just GOOD at stuff that got points, for example finding idols and using them correctly. Not only did that win the game for him it kind of won the game for me. Anyway, here's how it all shook out in the end:
Ben - tenacity = idol +2 - underestimated/one step ahead +1 - played idol correctly AGAIN +2
Chrissy - attempted to play Ben +1 - won immunity +2 - kind of a bitch -
Devon - chosen to share reward +1 - suspicious +1 - voted Mike, saves himself +1 - received votes -1
Mike - chosen to share reward +1 - voted out -2
Ryan - absolutely nothing -0
Ben - won fire making challenge (!) +2
Chrissy - won immunity +2
Devon - lost fire making challenge, out -2
Ryan - still nothing -0
Final Tribal Council
Ben - About as good a performance as one could expect from a pretty unpolished guy +2
Chrissy - a bit pushy but she made her points +3
Ryan - not terrible but a bit disappointing, I thought he'd excel at this +1
Desi - Standout Juror +2
Joe - Good questions! +2
Mike - A better juror than a player (not saying much) +1
Ben - WINS +3
Probst hardly talks to anyone, so, yeah, thats about it.
Final Totals
Ben +31
Chrissy +13
Joe +8
Desi +7
Cole +7
Lauren +7
Jessica +7
Devon +6
Mike +5
Roark +5
Ashley +4
JP +3
Ryan +1
Alan 0
Simone -4
Ali -5
Katrina -5
Patrick -9
Your Final Scores
kfh - +37
Jay - +17
Stepan - +16
Synn - +16
Catt +6
Zits - +2
Bambi - +1
acfan - 0
Maxx - -3
Good game guys. Sorry about the winning. Or the trouncing. Whatever you want to call it. Anyway, next season is all about bad decisions coming back to haunt. So...you might really want to think about the numbers you pick. I mean honestly guys, #1 gave you Patrick. That was a bad number you gotta admit. All good numbers next time, yes?!
Post by Jay on Jan 7, 2018 10:21:24 GMT -5
Thanks for the game KFH!
Post by synnamin on Jan 8, 2018 4:33:41 GMT -5
~*Thanks for the fun KFH!! Congrats on the win. I really hope you do this next season!!